Monday, April 21, 2014

Natural Green Lulur wajah original review

hey guys..!! happy Easter and selamat hari Kartini..!!! today i want to write a review about a homemade product called Natural Green, it's an all natural organic skincare product, i buy this product from my favourite online shop on intagram @ninelohops.. they have 3 types of products, the first one is Lulur wajah (Indonesian skincare thingy for face), mask, and Lulur badan (this one for body).. sorry i can't find a perfect translation for "Lulur" in english, all i got is a almost true definition on google translate and it means scrubs, but imagine it in a delicate way, because u only put it on your skin, wait it to dry, and rinse it off with water, nothing harsh on the skin so it's great even for acne prone skin..

but i only buy the lulur for face and mask, i will probably try the body one later, because i have so many things to buy this month..!! >o< anyway the lulur for face that i bought is the original one, great for oily skin, enlarged pores, and acnes.. got a scrub in there so not suitable for sensitive skin, but they got another variant for acnes with sensitive skin.. so let's start the review shall we??!!

the seller tells me that this product can be a subtitute to facial wash, means that u can wear it everyday unlike mask that can only be used 3-4 times a week.. but if u have makeup on u have to clean them first, but this one break one of my rules to only wash my face maksimum twice a day.. because more than that will erase ur natural oil on skin and can cause many problems, such as more oil produce, acnes, and of course enlarged pores since the skin produce more oil.. so i only use this product in the morning..

let's see the packaging :

as you can see it's a simple packaging with label on it.. it's an OK look for homemade product but i hope the label is waterproof and not easy to rip off.. and the ingredients as u can see all from organic products so it's good..!! and also BIG, 230 gr, i can use it for many months..~

the content itself smells like milk, so yummy..!! and u can see the little scrubs in there.. the direction to use this product is 1 teaspoon only, so u can imagine how long we can use it..

pictures above will show u guys how to use it and the right consistency to use it.. it's not really thick or runny, just in the middle of it.. hehe.. then apply it on the whole face like me..~ and rinse it after 3 minutes..

ok so now the positive things about this product are :

- reasonable price
- smells good
- make my face feels so smooth
- easy to remove
- organics
- remove oil in my face without drying it out

now the negative things are :

- in fact, i can't use it everyday because it looks like my skin doesn't accept it on daily basis.. i have several break outs and as soon as i stop using it, my acnes gone.. but if i use it like 3-4 times a week like mask, my skin accept it and no break outs happened..
- when i accept the package some of the package content actually spills out a little bit and i don't know where it come from since the package is sealed with plastic all over it

now the question is am i gonna buy this product again?? PROBABLY, because i want to try another variant, maybe there's a suitable variant for my skin, so yeah keep positive because i love organics product..!!

well that's all my review hope u guys like it.. thx for reading my post, there will be a lot of new post after this, hope i have time to write them down..!! good luck and see ya..~~


  1. halo ^^ ah baru sadar km jg dr sby
    tp agak repot ya klo bentuknya powder gt >.< bs berterbangan pas dikirimnya
    you're so cuteee <3

    1. iyaaa dari sby.. hehehe..
      padahal uda d seal plastik tp krna powder halus banget masi bisa keluar jadinya.. mungkin kl packagingnya ganti yg tutupnya bisa lebih rapet g bakal gini, soalnya yg masker jg bentuk powder tp sampe dengan selamat, g ada yg keluar isinya.. cm emang beda packaging sm yg ini sih..

  2. I love organic product too.. Great review♡
    You're so pretty ^^
    btw, salam kenal yaa..
    I follow you ☺
    ✾Yohanna's Blog☆

    1. sbb ya sis.. makasi..!!
      aku follow back juga ntar..<3

  3. Thanks for the review! Wah masi bisa break out juga ya trnyata.. Musti selang seling ya pakenya? Scrub nya alus apa kasar? hehe.. Salam kenal juga ya.. :)

    1. scrubnya si alus menurutku, g kasar kok.. ini kata yg jual ternyata itu proses purging, dmn produk natural ini mengeluarkan bahan kimia yg msk k kulit.. ini yg bikin jerawatan say.. skrg uda pake bbrp bln uda g perna break out lagi, bener ternyata.. hehe..

  4. Pakenya udh tiap hari ka sekarang?

    1. sayangnya uda g pake say.. krna setelah review bbrp krim mukaku jd berjerawat parah dan akhirny hrs pake skincare dr dokter.. dan skrg untuk jerawatny aku pake body shop tea tree facial wash.. :(
