Thursday, April 3, 2014

~korean ombre/gradient lips tutorial..~

hello girls..!!~~ this is my first post in April, yay..!! today i want to share about how to make a korean ombre/gradient lips.. this is a request from Miss Inggrid, and i try to make this tutorial as good as i can.. hope u like it Inggrid..!! =)

in this tutorial, i don't use any lips concealer and lips tint because i don't have one.. i'm not that type of girl who really into lipstick or lips color whatsoever, i don't like to wear it to be honest.. haha.. so forgive me, i'm using anything that i have to create this look, which are foundation, lipstick, and lipgloss.. so enjoy this tutorial..~

ok first, i'm applying my lip balm because my lips are dry easily and for some reason not friendly with either lipstick or lipgloss therefore the lip balm become a protective layer for my lips.. i'm using nivea essential care..

and then in exchange for lips concealer, i'm using foundation instead.. i know i will never use a lips concealer that's why i never buy one, for me foundation is a great tool to covering everything..!! i'm using revlon colorstay whipped cream foundation.. apply it on whole lips, upper and lower..

after applying the foundation

next step is color the middle part of the lips, i know that i supposed to use a lip tint and as u know i don't have one that because lip tint has a drying effect on lips, so not buying it either.. i'm using lipstick instead, mixing 3 colors.. first one is from NYX luscious lip gloss pallet #06 Pinky promise, i use number 3 and 5 altogether.. then i put another layer of color from revlon colorstay ultimate suede #095 Finale.. you might feel that the revlon one is too red, but when u wear/apply it the color isn't bold, it's soft and if you see my pic, the color is almost look like pink color, perfect for this look..

mixing number 3 and 5
adding this color

applying NYX number 3 & 5

applying revlon

color it only in the middle area
then, blend the color to the outer side.. if bottom area, blend it downward and if upper area, blend it upward.. and remember you have to clean the lip brush first using tissue..!!

bottom part, blend downward

upper part, blend upward
and the last step is applying lipgloss..!! it will create a more natural look.. make sure u wear a clear lipgloss, a little glitter is alright.. i'm using candydoll lipgloss, one of my favourite.. you can't even notice the glitter on my lips right?? hehe..

and this is the result..!! Voilaa..~~

thank you for reading my blog.. it's a short one, but i hope i explain all of it clearly.. leave a comment below if you have any questions, i will give my best answer for you guys..!! see you in my next post and good luck..!! love yaaa...<3


  1. Yaampun cici kreatif banget. Ak juga suka kadang2 bibirnya kering kalo pake liptint x_x nice tutorial ci

    xoxo Liona from BeautyFoodology

    1. Hehe.. thank you say..!! Banyak yg complaint si kl lip tint itu emg bikin bibir kering banget.. coba kasi lip balm dulu aja say.. ;)
