Wednesday, March 26, 2014

how to draw eyebrows by me..♥

hello girls..!!! today i want to give u guys a tutorial about drawing the eyebrows.. i got a few requests to do this tutorial, so here it is..!! first, i want to explain about eyebrows because i see so many girls can do makeup so good with their eyes and face, but never good on eyebrows.. usually they just draw it randomly or just leave it like that.. it's weird to have a face full of makeup but didn't do anything to the eyebrows a.k.a bare eyebrows..!!!

well eyebrows can change your whole look, even your whole makeup.. as you know the booming type of eyebrows right now is straight eyebrows, this type of eyebrows are fuller, straight (no arch), and thick.. this will make u look younger especially if u combine it with a simple makeup..
and there's an arch eyebrows, this type of eyebrows is usually thinner, this will make u look more elegant and mature.. also becareful with the length, because if the tail is too long then u will look sad..!!

so create the eyebrows that suits your face, it's ok to experiment because with that u will find ur perfect eyebrows.. well i hope with this tutorial, i can make u guys to understand more about eyebrows and how to draw it correctly.. let's start the tutorial..!!!

ok, first is my bare eyebrow, i have a super thin eyebrow and my eyebrow has been like this since i was born, not because i overdone (reshaping) them.. actually i was feeling grateful with it because i can draw my eyebrow quick and easy.. hehe.. but of course as you can see i need to reshape my eyebrow for a better look, i never pluck because i can't bear the pain, so instead i use a specified razor to shape into the right one.. (if you want to know which area i usually shave, leave a comment below so i know that u guys really need guide to do so..=))

and then i will draw from the bottom part first, from left to right.. but please draw in thin line and make sure your eyebrow pencil is sharp enough.. i'm using Viva eyebrow pencil in brown color, my favourite..!!

follow the dotted pink line

then continue to draw the upper part, also from left to right and as thin as possible.. for the upper part, u can adjust the height of your eyebrow, but u must remember if the eyebrow arch is too high u will look mean, except that's the look that u are looking for..~

follow the dotted pink line

so basically u have to frame your eyebrow first and then fill it in.. because filling in is easy, but to find the perfect frame, that's hard and tricky..!! and if u make a mistake just erase it with cotton buds, no worries because pencil is easy to erase.. oh also one tip for u guys, if u use pencil like mine, it's easier to draw on oily surface, by oily i mean after u put on bb cream or foundation, not after powder..!!

the frame

fill it in

after fill the eyebrow in, adjust the length of the tail, remember don't make it too long.. also fill and draw the front side but not too bold, the law of drawing eyebrows is fade/thin color in the front and bold and thick color on the back (tail)..

adjust the tail length

fill the front side

now i want to show u guys my eyebrow look, but it's not done yet..!! as you can see, the color is not spread well and not blending.. and i like to draw my eyebrow with a little bit of arch and a little bit straight on the lower line, i find it more suitable for my face..!!

not done yet..!!
this is when my favourite brush for eyebrow comes out.. it's an small angled brush with a super thick bristle, it's suitable for blend the color from eyebrow pencil.. but i buy it from my makeup teacher long ago so i don't know where to buy it in here.. but no worry, you can use other brush as long as it's a small angled brush it still can work..!! just brush it through the eyebrow from left to right, keep it in 1 direction to even out and blend the color, then put a few strokes on the front to soften the color..

the angled brush with hard bristle

and it's finish..!!! this is the full look, u can put an eyebrows mascara after it like what i always do on my makeup tutorial.. and remember girls, nobody has an identical eyebrow on their left or right eyes.. usually the difference is vary from the length, the height, or even the thickness, so it's ok if ur eyebrows look a little bit different between left and right, just try to even them out.. nobody born with that perfect eyebrows..!! it's normal girls..~

as you can see, even my eyebrows has a slightly different height, but i can even them out a little bit.. well, thank you for reading this post, and i hope this post is useful.. post a comment below if u have any question, good luck..!!!~


  1. cantiiikkk :D

  2. Bagus ih hasilnya^^
    Aku kurang bisa pake pensil alis.


    1. coba dulu aja dear.. kl pake pensil aku sukanya viva krna gampang dihapus kl salah.. hehehe.. =)

  3. Bagus tutorialnya say, mirip2 juga sama caraku itu :)

    Salam kenal

    1. Makasi dear..!! Iya cara ini emg paling gampang dan cepet buat gambar alis.. hehe..

      Salam knal juga yaa..!!^^

  4. cece, kalo pake browcara itu gampang apa susah? kulitku gak gitu fair white kayak cece gapapa tah pake eyebrow coklat? pake warna item kliatan item bgt soalnya

    1. cari yg coklat tua aja inggrid.. eyebrow mascara juga ada yg warnanya coklat tua, etude ato dollywink gt ada.. =)
