Tuesday, December 3, 2013

CC cream by Em Cosmetics

so this is my first time buying and trying a CC cream.. i heard that it's cover more than BB cream and i saw the review for Em CC cream is pretty good.. so i order one along with my life palette.. i got a combination skin and more oily area than the dry one, so like normal ppl, i got acne, acne scars, large pores, and stuffs.. i take a good care for my skin and sometimes giving it moisturizer because oily doesn't mean ur face don't need any moisturizer.. that's wrong, when u take out all the oil by cleansing too hard or too often the brain will produce even more oil because it thinks that ur face don't have enough oil.. so my face is getting better and left me with acne scars, this is the reason why i want to try CC cream..

so after i tried it yesterday, it turns out pretty good.. of course i still need to add some concealer and powder to set my face.. but it covers better than BB cream, and i can use it for natural make up.. no need any foundation, because i don't like heavy makeup, since it can clogged the pores.. well, here's the picture that i take.. enjoy..~

this picture only use CC cream and concealer.. i order the CC cream in light shade.. and for the eyebags, well i was born with it.. no matter what i do it won't go away so i just gonna live with it.. it's just eyebags though..XD

thx for reading my blog..~


  1. wow.. EM, aku juga pengen banget bisa nyobain apalagi concealer dan chiaroscuro nya tapi harganyaa T_T. btw nice review! ^.^

    following you :D

    1. Iya pengen nyoba concealernya juga, cover banget kyknya.. hehe.. thx uda baca post dan follow..^^

  2. wowowowowowwww.. gue baru denger nih ada CC cream dari EM
    ternyata ada shadenya juga yah, kirain cc nya dia cuma 1warna


    1. Ada kok sis.. shadenya juga banyak jadi utk org yg kulitnya agak gelap juga bisa pake.. mantep deh.. hehe..
